filtrer par
glass color :
opaline glass content :
plain or multicolored glass :
glass family :
Flat glass sorted by textures
glasses for your windows are sorted here in their various textures and types: transparent, colorful, plain, smooth .....
To more easily find your glasses for your window we have color coded: green glass, red, blue and yellow glasses, pink glasses ... all the colored and colorless or unstructured choose your glasses ... color below ...
Bubbles, wrinkles, irregular colors or patterns
Most of our glasses are handmade or semi-handmade.
They may have bubbles or folds. Color may vary from sheet to sheet. Relief may not be ultra-regular.
Cut to size and right angles
Precise cuts and right angles are available on request.
We do not ship all sizes, please contact us.
Indicative photos
colors may vary from one screen to another and from one sheet of glass to another.
Il y a 613 produits.